Tutorial 2: Window Aggregation

In this tutorial we'll introduce a new type of BTS: the Window BTS, and will learn how a Window BTS consumes session data produced in the first tutorial in order to generate time aggregated data.

Try the code from this example launching a Jupyter Notebook.

1. Game Boosts

For this second tutorial we'll introduce the concept of boosts to the game we defined previously.

In order to make the game more exciting a user can now activate a boost when starting a play session. While the boost is active, games become easier. Chances of winning a game are increased.

When the player activates a boost, the game_start event will include a "boost": true property:

{ "user_id": "09C1", "session_id": "T8KA", "country" : "UK", "event_id": "game_start", "boost" : true, "timestamp" : "2018/03/04 08:32:12" }

There are a couple of restrictions with boosts though:

We expect our players will be encouraged to play more often during the next 3 days after activating the boost.

The following change is made to the streaming BTS from the previous tutorial to take into account the boost information.

- Name: boost
       Type: boolean
       Value: source.boost
       When: source.boost == True

This will set the value of boost in the aggregate to True if any of the events in the aggregate have the boost set to true.

The goal of this tutorial is to collect aggregated session data that validates our assumption.

2. Aggregation Result

In order to confirm our hypothesis we're interested in comparing two figures:

  1. The average number of games played by session before activating the boost
  2. The average number of games played by session while the boost is active

We will obtain this data by aggregating the original session data obtained in the first tutorial into an series of records containing the desired information:

user_id last_7_days.avg_games_per_session next_3_days.avg_games_per_session
09C1 4.82 5.61
B6FA 2.73 3.09
NV9T 8.11 12.52
6CF3 9.89 14.74

This result shows our players have increased the games played per session after activating the boost.

3. Window BTS

In order to obtain the output described before, Blurr will perform time-based aggregation over the historic session data obtained with the Streaming BTS in the first tutorial. This transformation is defined in a Window BTS:

Type: Blurr:Transform:Window
Version: '2018-03-01'
Name: boost_data

SourceBTS: sessions

  Condition: sessions.session_stats.boost == True

  - Type: Blurr:Aggregate:Window
    Name: last_7_days
    WindowType: day
    WindowValue: -7
    Source: sessions.session_stats

     - Name: avg_games_per_session
       Type: float
       Value: sum(source.games_played) / len(source.session_id)

  - Type: Blurr:Aggregate:Window
    Name: next_3_days
    WindowType: day
    WindowValue: +3
    Source: sessions.session_stats

     - Name: avg_games_per_session
       Type: float
       Value: sum(source.games_played) / len(source.session_id)

As we can see, the structure of a Window BTS is pretty similar to the Streaming BTS. There are 2 new elements though: SourceBTS and Anchor

3.1. SourceBTS

As we mentioned before, a Window BTS will use session data produced by a Streaming BTS as data input. This is indicated in SourceBTS:

SourceBTS: sessions

sessions is the Name given to the Streaming BTS in its header:

# excerpt from Streaming BTS
Type: Blurr:Transform:Streaming
Version: '2018-03-07'
Name : sessions

3.2. Anchor Points

In time-based aggregations, data is aggregated around Anchor Points. This a key concept in time-based transformations. In our example, an Anchor Point is the session in which the boost is activated for a user:

  Condition: sessions.session_stats.boost == True

The Name given to source BTS above is used to access the BTS's properties. i.e in this case sessions.sessions_stats.boost

3.3. Identity

It's time to bring back the concept of Identity introduced in the previous tutorial:

# excerpt from Streaming BTS
Identity: source.user_id

So far, we've thought of the Identity as a mandatory field that is part of both the original events and session data.

In a Window BTS the Identity also has a role: grouping data that is aggregated around Anchor Points. The Identity ensures that our output has one record per user.

3.4. Window Aggregates

Our Window BTS performs 2 different aggregations:

How each aggregate is calculated is defined in the Window Aggregates:

- Type: Blurr:Aggregate:Window
  Name: last_7_days
  WindowType: day
  WindowValue: -7
  Source: sessions.session_stats

    - Name: avg_games_per_session
      Type: float
      Value: sum(source.games_played) / len(source.session_id)

This Window Aggregate is responsible for aggregating data over the previous 7 days before the boost activation.

WindowType and WindowValue are used to indicate the how many days/hours of data from/since the Anchor Point are being collected:

Source is used to lookup input data from the Streaming BTS.

In this case the input is session data produced in session_stats Aggregate in sessions Streaming BTS:

# excerpt from Streaming BTS
 - Type: Blurr:Aggregate:Block
   Name: session_stats


Data is aggregated using the Value expression of a Field:

  - Name: avg_games_per_session
    Type: float
    Value: sum(source.games_played) / len(source.session_id)

We're interested in the name of games played by session, which is the result of dividing the number of games played in all sessions by the number of sessions:

avg_games_by_session = total_games_played_count / session_count

This is calculated with the following Python expression:

Value: sum(source.games_played) / len(source.session_id)

It's important to note that in context, source is not a list of sessions, but an object containing list of session_fields instead.

For example, the value of games_played for the first session collected is accessed as:


Instead of


The shape of source object therefore looks like this:

  "source": {
    "session_id": ["915D", "T8KA"],
    "games_played": ["2", "1"],
    "games_won": ["2", "1"]

Within expressions you can use any Python function applicable to lists, such as len(source.session_id) sum(source.games_played) or even more complex operations like

sum([i for i in source.games_played if i >= 2])

4. Previewing the transformation using Blurr CLI

We can preview the result of the transformation using blurr transform command.

To preview a window transformation we need to pass both the Streaming and Window BTS as arguments:

$ blurr transform --streaming-bts tutorial2-streaming-bts.yml --window-bts tutorial2-window-bts.yml tutorial2-data.log

["7d49b5ef-0555-535c-8f53-1daff259e8fe", []]
["e0093eec-44a2-b781-fca1-794edccae965", [{"last_7_days._identity": "e0093eec-44a2-b781-fca1-794edccae965", "last_7_days.avg_games_per_session": 32.0, "next_3_days._identity": "e0093eec-44a2-b781-fca1-794edccae965", "next_3_days.avg_games_per_session": 3.0}]]
["df54d39f-a4a7-03f8-48e2-00bf755fe31c", [{"last_7_days._identity": "df54d39f-a4a7-03f8-48e2-00bf755fe31c", "last_7_days.avg_games_per_session": 21.0, "next_3_days._identity": "df54d39f-a4a7-03f8-48e2-00bf755fe31c", "next_3_days.avg_games_per_session": 28.0}]]
["dfaa4419-5859-f2c8-4087-01b2b5738ae4", [{"last_7_days._identity": "dfaa4419-5859-f2c8-4087-01b2b5738ae4", "last_7_days.avg_games_per_session": 13.0, "next_3_days._identity": "dfaa4419-5859-f2c8-4087-01b2b5738ae4", "next_3_days.avg_games_per_session": 8.0}]]
["8a2a81bc-c7ed-c09c-5a43-4a8694412db8", []]
["b5cf93ba-7642-a7c7-f553-8e8a254fe92c", [{"last_7_days._identity": "b5cf93ba-7642-a7c7-f553-8e8a254fe92c", "last_7_days.avg_games_per_session": 19.0, "next_3_days._identity": "b5cf93ba-7642-a7c7-f553-8e8a254fe92c", "next_3_days.avg_games_per_session": 9.5}]]
["14c2c283-32a6-43e1-a000-b5d7be6d9cba", [{"last_7_days._identity": "14c2c283-32a6-43e1-a000-b5d7be6d9cba", "last_7_days.avg_games_per_session": 1.0, "next_3_days._identity": "14c2c283-32a6-43e1-a000-b5d7be6d9cba", "next_3_days.avg_games_per_session": 9.5}]]
["fba1f6bc-73f6-db6a-9b9e-2a848b8f6ee3", []]
["4ac60a7c-fcd4-351b-f6cf-1bb868f813fa", []]
["8c400eb3-3612-9b3f-cb15-f4947f0af565", []]
["e728a2ed-8fd7-e81b-3ce1-851a5580c5bd", []]
["32cec9c5-42ba-3329-3831-af5b8d432937", []]

Each entry consists of an array with 2 items:

Note:- It will print once for each user in the raw events file wether the window aggregates exist or not.